19-th of October in the conference hall of the Central city public library named after A.P. Chekhov held a teleconference and a workshop «How to make our children happy».
In library gathered caring adults - teachers, psychologists, librarians, parents and even grandparents, who together with his colleagues from other cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk, Riga, Togliatti, Sochi) became the participants of the international meeting «Happy childhood». In the first part of the meeting took place presentation of the book «Happy childhood» and online lecture experts customers a Good environment', Dmitriy Lysak graduate of Perm state pedagogical University of Humanities and business coach Elena Drobinina on the methodology of integral education of our children.
The lecture was interesting and caused many questions among the audience of all the cities-participants of the TV bridge. In the second part of the meeting the communication of webinar participants in the Round-table format and psychological workshop, conducted by psychologists school № 9 and kindergarten № 102, Taganrog.
Method of integral education suggests that children achieve maximum results in with their peers. Therefore, the entire audience was divided into small groups, where each respecting the rules of the «Round table», could give its opinion on a given problem. Before the participants were questions: «Happy childhood» - what is this?» «What should be a society where the children are happy?». These questions attempted to find an answer to all participants of the micro-groups, and then delegates mini-communities presented summarizing the answer for the entire audience.
All participants agreed with the statement of authors of the book «Happy childhood», that «childhood is a gift that should be carefully serve the younger generation, from the heart, nothing imposing, but not missing».