Library Rules municipal cultural institutions Centralized Library System Taganrog
I. General provisions
1.1.Pravila use of libraries (the Rules) of the municipal cultural institutions Centralized Library System (the MUK CBS) is a public contract, defining the mutual rights and obligations of users of libraries and librarians in the provision of municipal services "Library, information and reference services to the population." The obligation on the implementation of the public contract in the form of the rule is confirmed by the user's personal signature on the form and the reader form.
1.2.Nastoyaschie rules are developed in accordance with the Administrative Regulation of municipal services "Library, information and reference services to the population," Taganrog and other normative - legal acts regulating the activities of MUK CBS.
1.3.MUK CBS - informational, educational, cultural and educational institution, the fund has a single distributed replicated documents and provide them to the temporary use of natural and legal persons through the reading rooms, tickets, in-system exchange, IBA and EDD. Provides the ability to use collections and services, provides informational support users' information needs, organizes cultural - recreational activities for all citizens without any restrictions on the level of education and profession, regardless of gender, age, nationality, political opinion and religion, as well as for legal entities, irrespective of their organizational-legal forms of ownership.
1.4.V composition MUK CBS rights departments that do not have legal personality, are:
- Central City Public Library Chekhov
- Central Children's Library named after M. Gorky
- Library and Information Center - Affiliates
1.5.Uchreditelem MUK CBS is the municipality "City of Taganrog"
1.6.Dannye rules apply to users and employees MUK CBS
1.7.Polzovanie municipal libraries are free of charge,
with the exception of services provided for a fee in accordance with the Charter agencies, local acts and these Rules.
1.8.Polzovatel municipal library (the user) - a natural or legal person who uses the services of the library;
1.9.Dokument - material object with a fixed information contained therein in the form of text, sound or image, for the transmission of time and space for storage and public use;
1.10.Pravila and amendments thereto shall be approved by the director of MUK CBS and coordinated with the Department of Culture of Taganrog. The onset of action of these Regulations set the date of their approval.
II. User rights
2.1.Polzovatelem municipal library is open to any citizen, regardless of whether political beliefs, religion, social status, ethnicity, age, gender, education, living in the city of Taganrog, on presentation of a passport or substituting document, and minors under the age to 14 years - a passport, identity card or document substituting their legal representatives.
2.2.Grazhdane without registration in Taganrog served on presentation of a passport or identity document, only in the library room.
2.3.Litsa who can not visit the library because of old age, disability, have the right to receive documents from the library through a representative by proxy.
2.4.Polzovatel municipal library has the right to:
• Free to be fully informed about the composition of library holdings through catalogs and other forms of library information;
• receive free consulting assistance in the search and selection of information sources;
• receive free temporary use of documents from the library collection in accordance with these Rules;
• Access to electronic documents and network resources
• obtain documents or copies from other libraries on interlibrary loan and electronic document delivery.
• use other additional (service) types of services paid under Regulation on providing paid services.
• use personal technical means only with the permission of library staff;
• participate in all cultural and educational activities of the library;
• express their opinions and judgments on the activities of libraries and individual employees to make suggestions for improving the work of the library and its structure;
• appeal against the actions of the library that infringe their rights. In case of infringement of the rights of minors under the age of 14 years to challenge the actions of officials are legal representatives of minors.
2.5.Prava special groups of library users:
2.5.1.Uchastniki World War II, people with disabilities have the right to an extraordinary
2.6.Yuridicheskie person served in the library on a contractual basis.
III. User Responsibilities
3.1. User must:
• comply with these Rules;
• When you first visit the library to register and issue the Form library (in TSGPB Chekhov electronic library card) and show it on subsequent visits;
• provide accurate information about their personal data, and timely report changes in them;
• comply with generally accepted standards of social behavior, to respect the rights of other users and library staff;
• care of the property of the library;
• care of the documents received from the library, do not make them marks, not to take or turn down the page, to prevent damage to electronic media (scratches, etc.);
• care of the computer and duplicating equipment library
• Do not take out of the library documents if they are not recorded in the reader's or other records;
• to retrieve documents to view them carefully and in case of any defects in them to inform the librarian (otherwise it will be assumed that the document is issued in good condition).
• return the documents in a timely manner;
• timely renew use documents in person or by phone or online at the Library;
• does not violate the balance of the fund in departments with open access, do not remove the card from the directories and files;
• immediately inform staff of the library on the observed cases of damage and theft of documents by the other parties;
• to inform the library of the malfunction in the electronic, sound reproducing equipment, not trying to fix the problem yourself;
• in the case of loss or damage library card to inform the library and get a duplicate, which is issued on presentation of a passport or substituting document.
• rent, clothes garment, bags, etc.
(Note: for valuable items left in the pockets of clothing, MUK CBS is not responsible);
3.2.Polzovatel must:
• Do not pass a library card to another person and do not use someone else's library card;
• Use of office equipment, including computer, do not change the settings, install software, do not move the various devices (printer, scanner, modem, speakers, etc.), do not use the electronic medium itself;
• Do not eat the food, beverage, to avoid damage to property, documents, office equipment (other than designated smoking areas);
• not be in the library in a drunken, drugged state, the clothing with a sharp odor, with strong traces of dirt, which can cause damage, contamination of the property of the library and clothes from other visitors;
• Do not smoke;
• Do not enter the premises without being accompanied by an employee of the library;
• Do not drive and do not bring pets.
3.3. Of damage to the fund, property, libraries, breach of these User is responsible under the legislation of the Russian Federation:
• in case of loss or damage to the document from the library user must replace it with an equivalent in content and value (published over the last three years), or in any other publication (or several editions) on the profile library, in consultation with the staff of the library. The cost of lost or damaged documents is determined at the prices in the current market conditions, on the basis of available data (purchase price, the cost of an equivalent document in the shops of the city.) In this library reassesses lost, corrupted documents using the revaluation factor determined by the Government.
In case of dispute the question considered by the Board on acquisition and preservation of the fund;
• If the date of return of the documents from the library user is obliged to indemnify the library and other users, in accordance with the Regulation on the provision of paid services.
• For other cases, damage to the property of the library users are responsible in accordance with the existing legislation;
3.4.Pri foul, damage to the fund, property library minors responsibility of their legal representatives.
IV. Law Library
4.1.Biblioteka may:
• Set the right to make changes and additions to the existing rules, in accordance with the Charter of MUK CBS;
• to withdraw funds from their documents for cancellation in accordance with applicable laws and regulations;
• to determine types, forms and amounts of compensation for damage caused to the library user (see section 3.3. Regulation);
• receive personal data necessary to establish a library card, form, registration card, conducting electronic database "User registration"
• approve the list of free library and information services, terms and provision of services;
• approve the list of paid library and information services, coordinating with the founder of the cost and payment;
• remind the user to return the documents, using data provided to them by writing to the library (address, phone, email);
• For frequent violations user can be transferred to service mortgage and serviced in the reading room or exclusions library.
V. Duties library
5.1. Library must:
• be neutral with respect to political parties, social movements, religions, the principles of humanism, political and ideological pluralism;
• create all the conditions for compliance with the User's rights to free access to information and documents from the library;
• inform the public about all kinds of services provided by the library;
• explore and more fully meet the needs of the User;
• to promote the formation of the User information needs to take steps to bring the population to read and use the library;
• improve the library, bibliographic, reference service and promotion of books and other printed matter, and other documents, using for this purpose the various forms of individual and mass with the user;
• To provide a high standard of service to users, to assist in the selection of the necessary works of the press and other materials by oral consultations, lending reference library search tools including remote users;
• collect and process personal data with the written consent of the user;
• to ensure the confidentiality and security of personal information is in the process of collection, processing and use in accordance with the Federal Law "On Personal Data" of 27.07.2006, № 152-FZ;
• Do not transmit information to third parties, not to allow the use of personal data and on the reader's interest for any purpose other than to improve the organization of library services, and in cases defined by current legislation;
• request for documents needed for users on interlibrary loan from other libraries in the absence of them in the library;
• to record, store and are in the library of documents in accordance with the rules, ensuring their conservation and sustainable use;
• systematically monitor the timely return of the library issued documents;
• carefully review the documents at issue from the funds and returning them to the user, and if there are any defects that make the corresponding notes on the document;
• publish information which regulates the activity of libraries MUK CBS;
• make timely changes;
• an introduction to these Rules;
• Give users the book appeals. If a written complaint is not with the name and mailing address to which the reply should be sent, the response to the complaint is not given.
• staff departments are serving users with name badges employees.
VI. The order of accounts in the library
6.1.Zapis the library is at the User's personal reference library MUK CBS. In TSGPB Chekhov entry to the library is at the Department of Registration and accounting.
6.2.Pri receive a library user must:
• Learn the rules of library use;
• passport, identity and place of residence (registration), or equivalent document in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation;
• consent to the processing of their personal data, and to provide information about your personal data:
- Name;
- Date of birth;
- Passport data (series, №);
- Information on the place of residence and registration;
- Information on employment (preschooler, schoolboy, student, working, unemployed, retired);
- Contact Information (№ bodies.) And other information necessary for better service.
6.3.Nesovershennoletnie at the age of 14 are recorded in the library on the basis of a passport, an identity of their legal representatives, or substituting document. Parents, guardians or other legal representatives should be familiar with these rules and consent to the processing of personal data of minors. When recording a minor, the legal representative fills guarantee, in which he confirms the acceptance of these Terms.
6.4.Posle signing the consent and registration, users with registration (registration) in the city of Taganrog, the electronic library card is issued or a library form, which gives the right to use the library. Reader's form is a contract between the library and the user, in which the library is committed to provide services, and specific user agrees to comply with the Regulation.
6.5.Grazhdane without registration in Taganrog, serviced only in library premises.
6.6.Pri change of personal data (change of residence, change of name, etc.) The user is obliged to report this when you first visit the library, to modify the recording forms.
6.7. In case of loss or damage to library card user must obtain a duplicate, which is issued on presentation of a passport, identity and place of residence (registration), or substituting document.
6.8. Re-registration of users is implemented with 1 working day of each year, on presentation of a passport, identity and place of residence (registration), or substituting document and library card.
VII. Rules subscription library - a branch and department "Urban subscription" TSGPB Chekhov
7.1.Abonement - structural unit libraries MUK CBS performing personalized service and the provision of documents for use outside the library for a certain period of time and under certain conditions.
7.2.Pravo use subscription have citizens living and who have a permanent or temporary registration in Taganrog, a library according to p.VI "Order accounts in library" of these Regulations. One month before the end of the temporary registration the user puts on mortgage servicing.
7.3.V for Preservation of citizens who have temporary registration in Taganrog, have the right to use only the lending stock on bail in accordance with the "Regulation on the collection of cash collateral from users MUK CBS."
7.4.Polzovatel can get together at the house no more than 5 x documents for up to 15 days. The number of books issued by the increased demand determines the library. Multivolume set of simultaneously issued no more than two volumes.
7.5.Polzovatel may extend the use of the document or on the phone, but not more than 3 times, if there is no demand for the document with other users. The exception is the book of high demand.
7.6.Bibliotekar 15 days can remind the user of the need to return the documents by telephone, post, email, etc.
7.7.Polzovatel not return the documents in a timely manner, is the Library of debtors, not to pay the debt for the use of instruments in excess of the term of the Rules shall not be entitled to use the funds of the total elimination of debt.
7.8.Polzovatel must sign a form for each document issued to him, the return of the document's signature is retired librarian signature. Members are children painted on the forms, from the fifth grade. Pre-school children
age students and first-class quarters of the documents received no sign
7.9.Formulyar reader verifies the date of issue to the user documents for temporary use. When you return the documents recording the signature is retired librarian. Book Form certifies deadline, a personal signature user is mandatory form of library records and statistics on the user's hand is issued.
VIII. The Reading Hall
8.1.Chitalny Facilities - structural subdivision implementing personalized service and the provision of documents for use in the Library.
All divisions TSGPB Chekhov work during the reading room (except "City season ticket", Sheet-music department, department of literature in foreign languages)
8.2.Zapis the reading room in accordance with Section VI «order of accounts in the library."
8.3.Chitalny Hall TSGPB Chekhov serves on presentation of an electronic library card.
8.4.Chislo documents issued for use in the reading room, is not limited, except in rare and valuable books. Number of documents issued at the same time during the hours of the presence of large number of users is less than 5 copies.
8.5.Polzovatel must sign for each received document in the reading room in the reader or book form. When you return the document's signature is retired librarian signature.
8.6.Obsluzhivanie users cease 20 minutes before the closing of the library.
IX. Terms of use workstations.
9.1.Obsluzhivanie user is a librarian (bibliography).
9.2.Polzovateli librarian should be familiar with the database used in the business unit, to the extent necessary for the application.
9.3.Poisk information, users perform on their own, if necessary, they are given help librarians (bibliography) in the use of electronic resources.
9.4.Polzovateli must comply with the "Rules allow users to access network resources in subdivisions MUK CBS" (approved 21.09.2010g.).
9.5.Polzovateli - children follow the "Rules allow users to Children up to 14 years to access network resources in subdivisions MUK CBS" (approved by the Director MUK CBS 21.09.2010g.).
X. Rules for Providing copy and scan documents
10.1.Predostavlenie service copying and scanning documents for a fee are subject to copyright laws.
10.2.Kopirovaniyu be documents that are not protected by copyright: official documents, state symbols and signs, works of folk art (folklore), which do not have a specific author, reports on events and facts, which have a purely informational character (s news, television programs, schedules traffic, etc.).
10.3.Polzovatel also has the right to obtain copies of individual articles or succinct works published in periodicals, short extracts published written works - only one copy and solely for your personal, scientific, educational or cultural purposes.
10.4.V for safety and security funds are not permitted to copy and scan:
- Publications, a binding spine that does not allow open 180 degrees, or spine height of more than 4 cm;
- Publications, the physical condition does not allow them to copy (by copying the integrity of the publication, brittle paper, etc.);
- Brittle or damaged documents;
- Publications with a dull spine;
- Rare books and especially valuable publications;
- Valuable books in one instance
- Publications in high-value-bound;
- Books in which the sides are stitched notebooks book Perfect binding glue method;
- Copies of the extra-large size.