In the concert-exhibition hall of the LIBRARY name A. P. Chekhov was the literary-musical salon devoted to the life and creativity of the outstanding Ukrainian poet, writer and artist Taras Shevchenko.

The organizers of the event was the city national-cultural autonomy of Ukrainians in Taganrog in conjunction with the city creative Union «Chaika».

 In the warm atmosphere of admirers of the talent of the great poet listened to verses, passages of his famous poems, devoted to their native land. Addition holiday sounded beautiful lyrical and passionate humorous Ukrainian songs performed by the duet of Vasily Sitenkiy and Tatiana Bakaeva, the choir of veterans of «Loyalty» and other singers. And heartfelt song about mother in the performance of an employee of the Center of cultural programs  Darya Mihailishina moved by many of the guests to tears.

Literary heritage of Taras Shevchenko is the Foundation of modern Ukrainian literature and largely literary Ukrainian language.

In Taganrog loved and honored Taras Shevchenko. His collections of poems and prose from the collections of the library were presented at the book-illustrative exhibition literary holiday.