
105, Grecheskaya Street, 

Phone: (+ 7-863-4)-34-03-32;  

Open from 10 a.m. to 19 p.m. 

On Sundays: 11 a.m. to 18 p.m. 

Days off are on Saturdays  

Cleanup day is the last Monday

of every month

The Computerized Hall is to provide the library userswith ample opportunity as follows:


•    To do information search without any assistance in the electronic catalogue of the of the Municipal State-Financed Institution of Culture of The Centralized Library System (MSFIC of the CLS) of the city of Taganrog on their own;

•    To have the Internet free access (with the view of educating, enlightening and researching);

•    To get to know and look through the web-site of the A. P. Chekhov CCPL and other libraries;

•    To do information search in the ConsultantPlus Reference-searchsystem;

•    To search subsription electronic network information resources(«The Public Internet-library of the means of mass media», «All Rubicon’s encycloedias» databases; PLC IVIS’s products;

•    To browse the multimedia editions and listen to audio books;

•    To read electronic books by means of specially designed apparatus.


      •   12 computerized users’places equipped with headphones to work.